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LG Inverter Error Code CH 35 Troubleshooting

LG Inverter Error Code CH 35: Troubleshooting Guide

Dealing with error codes on your LG inverter can be frustrating, especially when you encounter code CH 35. As an expert in appliance troubleshooting, I’ve seen my fair share of error codes, and I’m here to help you understand and resolve this issue efficiently.

When your LG inverter displays error code CH 35, it typically indicates a communication error between the indoor and outdoor units. This can disrupt the system’s functionality and leave you in need of a quick solution. With my guidance, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to tackle this error head-on and get your LG inverter back up and running smoothly in no time.

Key Takeaways

  • LG inverter error code CH 35 indicates a communication error between indoor and outdoor units.
  • Common causes include power supply issues and communication problems.
  • Troubleshoot by ensuring a stable power supply, checking pressure sensor, refrigerant levels, and sensor connections.
  • Address outdoor fan operations, refrigerant leakage, and PCBA status for a comprehensive resolution.

Common Causes of LG Inverter Error Code CH 35

I’ll investigate into the specific reasons behind the LG Inverter Error Code CH35 to help you understand the issues better and resolve them efficiently.

Power Supply Issues

In the case of LG Inverter Error Code CH35, power supply problems could be one of the primary culprits. Ensuring a stable and adequate power supply to the inverter system is crucial for its smooth operation. Any fluctuations or interruptions in the power source could trigger the CH35 error code, highlighting the significance of a reliable power input to the system.

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Communication Problems

Another common cause of the CH35 error code in LG inverters is communication issues between the indoor and outdoor units. The communication link plays a vital role in coordinating the functions of the inverter system. Disruptions or failures in this communication pathway can lead to error codes like CH35. Checking the communication cables, connections, and ensuring proper synchronization between the units are essential steps in resolving this issue efficiently.

Troubleshooting LG Inverter Error Code CH 35

Check Power Supply

When troubleshooting LG Inverter Error Code CH 35, the first step is to ensure a stable power supply to the system. Inadequate or fluctuating power can lead to communication errors between the indoor and outdoor units, triggering the CH 35 code. To address this issue:

  • Verify that the inverter unit is securely connected to a reliable power source.
  • Check for any power fluctuations or surges that might affect the inverter’s operation.
  • Consider using a dedicated power outlet to prevent interference from other appliances.
  • If using an extension cord, make sure it’s rated for the inverter’s power requirements.

By addressing power supply issues promptly, you can eliminate one of the common triggers of LG Inverter Error Code CH 35 and help restore the smooth operation of your LG inverter system.

Tips for Resolving LG Inverter Error Code CH 35

When dealing with LG Inverter Error Code CH 35, it’s crucial to address the underlying causes promptly to restore the proper functioning of your system. Here are some actionable tips to help you resolve this error efficiently:

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Verify Pressure Sensor Functionality

Start by checking the pressure sensor to ensure it’s functioning correctly. A faulty pressure sensor can often be the culprit behind Error Code CH 35 on your LG inverter system.

Inspect Refrigerant Levels

Next, inspect the refrigerant levels in your system. Low refrigerant levels due to leaks can trigger the error code. Ensure there are no leaks and that the refrigerant levels are adequate.

Ensure Outdoor Fan Operations

Check the outdoor fans to ensure they are not constrained, screened, or blocked. Overload operation caused by fan issues can lead to Error Code CH 35 on your LG inverter unit.

Address Refrigerant Leakage

If there are leaks in the system causing insufficient refrigerant levels, it’s essential to address them promptly. Fixing leaks can help prevent recurrence of Error Code CH 35.

Check Sensor Connections

Inspect the connections of the pressure sensor and compressor sensor. Improper connections can also trigger the error. Ensure all sensors are properly connected and functioning.

Evaluate PCBA Status

Finally, if all other issues have been ruled out, consider the Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA). A defective PCBA can sometimes be the reason behind Error Code CH 35 on your LG inverter system.

By following these tips and addressing the potential causes of LG Inverter Error Code CH 35 systematically, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve the issue, ensuring smooth operation of your LG inverter system.


Addressing LG Inverter Error Code CH 35 is crucial for maintaining the optimal performance of your LG system. By understanding the potential causes and following the troubleshooting steps provided, you can effectively resolve communication issues between the indoor and outdoor units. Verifying pressure sensor functionality, inspecting refrigerant levels, and ensuring proper fan operations are key steps in diagnosing and fixing the error. Also, checking for refrigerant leakage, sensor connections, and evaluating the Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) can further aid in resolving the issue. By taking these systematic troubleshooting measures, you can ensure a seamless operation of your LG inverter system and prevent future disruptions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does LG inverter error code CH 35 indicate?

Error code CH 35 indicates communication issues between the indoor and outdoor units of an LG inverter system.

What are the primary causes of LG inverter error code CH 35?

The primary causes of error code CH 35 are power supply and communication problems between the indoor and outdoor units.

How can I troubleshoot LG inverter error code CH 35?

To troubleshoot error code CH 35, verify pressure sensor functionality, inspect refrigerant levels, ensure outdoor fan operations, address refrigerant leakage, check sensor connections, and evaluate the Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA).

Why is it important to resolve LG inverter error code CH 35 efficiently?

Resolving error code CH 35 efficiently is crucial to ensure the smooth operation of your LG inverter system and prevent potential system damage.

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